Saturday, April 11, 2009

Social Capitalism

Maintaining good blood circulation in your body is one of the central tenets of good health. Blood is the means by which nutrients and oxygen travel throughout the body. Proper blood circulation is imperative for our major organs to function correctly; as they carry out their roles of maintaining our health. If they don’t receive the proper amount of blood flow, they can become diseased; which not only threatens our health but our lives as well.

Just as good blood circulation is important to the body, wealth circulation is important to American communities. We are witnessing the results of poor wealth circulation in many cities around the country. If we travel this technologically advanced nation we would see blight in Detroit, gang violence in Los Angeles, and stagnation that many housing projects of other inner-cities across America cause. The high crime rates that permeate these areas as a result of “Reganomics” – Give large corporations and the extremely wealthy tax breaks and the money will trickle down to the have-nots.

We have an administration that ran on the platform of change. Well, I say lets tests the perimeters of change. If economists are suggesting we are in extreme times, let’s take extreme measures. Now, I’m sure that there are those who the minute they read wealth circulation, we ready to crucify me on the cross of socialism; by no means am I suggesting changing our economic system, just a little fine tuning.

It is every individual’s right to prosper, to conduct business under the banner of free enterprise, to own property, and to make as much money as they possibly can – but what about sharing. The very young man that is able to attend college because of the proper circulation of wealth could very well be the same young man that burglarizes your home because of the lack of it. As part of the second New Deal President Roosevelt instituted the Wealth Tax Act, which taxed the wealthy during the Great Depression. In 2009 it can be called the Social Responsibility Tax. It would only tax those who have excess wealth 2.5% at the end of each year. For someone who has $25,000 in excess wealth, that is only $625 to possibly help someone who really needs it.

That is what America should be all about, insuring that each man, woman, and child has the essentials to help them make sense out of life. The Social Responsibility Tax would insure that all Americans will have the opportunity to have food, clothing, shelter, health, and education. It’s not socialism; it’s just a new brand of capitalism. Let’s try it America.

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