Friday, April 24, 2009

The 21st Century Red Scare

Over the past two years, it seems as if America is experiencing the 21st century version of the “Red Scare”. However, the culprit isn’t communism any longer; it is now socialism. The GOP has always been very crafty in its propaganda tactics, when there seems to be a shift away from its political, social, and moral paradigm. Often, if the issues are looked at with constructive thinking, you will find that they are actually to divert you away from their hypocrisy.

In the blog “Remember Freedom”, the author, Elizabeth makes a very strong case that America is spiraling into the socialistic abyss. I beg to differ; The American system of capitalism is safe. The resolve of the American people will never allow one man to change its economic system without a fight. The constitution’s establishment of a checks and balance system would prevent such a thing from happening. Former President Harry Truman attempted to take over the steel industry, some would say was a “step” toward socialism, but the United States Supreme Court would not allow it.

If we look at the American Heritage Dictionary’s definition of socialism; the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government, that often plans and controls the economy. Further research will lead us to find out the socialists actually advocate a society in which wealth and power are distributed evenly based on the amount of work expended in production. Therefore the true workers have the opportunity to get equal value with the executives who are now receiving million dollar bonuses for making bad business decisions. This was one of the Blogs points, “At Plymouth everyone was supposed to work for the common good and so each would get an equal share of food. Some soon discovered, however, that they would still receive food even if they didn't work, or worked the minimum. Thus, those few hard workers had to carry the weight of the irresponsible freeloaders.” I would interject that the settlers at Plymouth were not testing socialism, but trying to survive. I would also like to point out that the Soviet Union was actually a communist nation not a socialist one. Communism basically sees no need for free enterprise, where socialism accepts it.

President Obama was faced with the decision of bailing out General Motors or letting it go bankrupt. If GM would have been allowed to fail, millions of people would have lost their jobs; thus America would not only face a bad recession but quite possibly another great depression. When a business fails, you must look for the head of the organization to take responsibility. Not doubting that Mr. Wagoner is a very good person, however he has taken the backbone of the American economy into arrested development. Mr. Wagoner has been the CEO of GM since 2000; since then, stocks have plummeted from $60 to less than $2 in March of 2009, and General Motors has suffered more than $85 million in loses. While Toyota, Honda, and Ford worked on gas-electric hybrids, Mr. Wagoner focused on SUV’s. The Obama Administration made the choice to avoid a depression by bailing out General Motors; however it would have been irresponsible to leave it in the hands of the very same leadership that led it to the present.

Elizabeth was correct, socialism isn’t American and Americans would never allow it to be either. Stephen Hess, a presidential scholar at the Brookings Institution, said Obama's action lacked any historical parallel because the circumstances of the financial crisis were unique and he could succeed because he seemed to have a good "internal gyroscope" on reading the mood of the public. "So far people are with him," Hess said. "There will be a lot of people who say: At last somebody is doing something."

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