Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Coming Civil War - Yeah Right!

I found “Fox News ‘war games’ the Coming Civil War” to be an attention-grabbing piece. The commentary was written by Glen Greenwald, a former constitutional law and civil rights attorney. Mr. Greenwald is also a best selling author having written, “How would a Patriot Act” a critique of the Bush administration's use of executive power, and "A Tragic Legacy" which examines the Bush legacy. His most recent book, "Great American Hypocrites", examines the manipulative electoral tactics used by the GOP and propagated by the establishment press.

Mr. Greenwald does an outstanding job of pointing out some of the hypocrisies of America’s “Grand Old Party” better know as the GOP. It is good reading for those with the ability to think rationally and objectionably about the current political climate. The outcry from the Republican Party is bipartisanship however their actions fall on their on deaf ears.

Greenwald points out that Presidents Clinton and Obama, as well as their administrations have faced onslaught rhetoric from conservatives who claim they intend to fight against liberals and leftist. When President Clinton became president large numbers of white middle-aged men felt they had to defend the country from the liberals and leftists. The ideal logy created the group “Angry White Male”, who took an anti-government stance. Anything stance our last Democrat president as taken; has been attacked by the conservative Republican platform. However, during the past Bush era, especially, the slightest mention of disagreement with the president and American policy would get you marked with the 21st century’s version of the Scarlett Letter – UN patriotic.

An attempt to illustrate the hypocrisy was used in comparing Clinton’s and Bush Jr.’s use of presidential powers. When Bush seized and used limitless and unchecked surveillance activities, detention powers with no insight, secret prisons, and increased federal spending the “Angry White Male” was quiet and no longer angry. Conversely, year’s earlier when former president Bill Clinton obtained warrants to eavesdrop on Americans – America’s liberties were being threatened. When Clinton would deploy U.S. soldiers around the globe – Republicans saw no benefit.

Now the conservative Republican view, in its zealousness, has done the reprehensible as well as irresponsible. Fox News did a show on the potential of a second “civil war” where the military would possibly side with the people and not listen to the government. Since the inauguration of President Obama, there seems to be an increase in anti-government and violent rhetoric from conservative Republicans. The rational and objectionable thinker must now distinguish between the GOP (Good Old Party) and the GOB (Good Old Boys) – or the 21st century segregationists.

1 comment:

  1. Good comparison that reveals how opinions favor their own interest or fuel purposes.
